Solving all the world's problems one line at a time
JavaScript Fanboi
Solving all the world's problems one line at a time

What I once considered to be a toy language suitable for scripting, I now consider to be a first rate language for general purpose computation.
Organizationally, the language allows for grouping things into objects and classes and modules, allowing large problems to be decomposed into manageable pieces.
Code execution is non-preemptive, allowing the developer to know with certainty that any function will run from start to finish without interruption, freeing the developer from worry that other functions may change data that it is working on.
When long-running tasks are scheduled, the developer can use promises with async/await
to simulate concurrency while retaining the guarantees that come with JavaScript's non-preemptive model. And when developing outside the browser, Node.js has worker threads can be used to simultaneously access multiple CPUs when needed.
All told, the possibilities are now far beyond what they initially were when JavaScript made its debut in 1995.